Margate based Georgina Wilson-Powell is an author, speaker, sustainability entrepreneur and the founder of the UK’s leading sustainable living magazine, pebble and eco festival, pebblefest. Her mission is to help make sustainable choices the easiest ones for everyone.

She has been a magazine editor and journalist for 20 years and 365 Ways To Save The Planet is her third book in three years – all of which provide practical advice on making small changes that have a big impact on our planet.

I love the whole ethos of the Outdoor Guide and as someone who is now much happier outside, rather than in, I’m delighted to partner with such a great website. Being out in nature, sea swimming and camping off grid make me happy and encouraging people to look after our planet, via learning about the natural world is something I’m really passionate about.

~ Georgina Wilson-Powell

TOG Says ...TOG Says …

“Living more sustainably is something we’re passionate about – and the latest book from Georgina offers some great advice on the small steps we can all take to make a difference.”