Taking the dog for a walk is one of life’s greatest treasures. So here, on The Outdoor Guide (TOG), in association with the Dogs Die In Hot Cars campaign group (which includes Battersea, Dogs Trust, National Animal Welfare Trust, PDSA, RSPCA and Wood Green amongst others) we have collated some of our favourite dog friendly walks, places to stay, eat and visit in all corners of Great Britain.
Together we want to help empower dog owners by doing the right thing by their dog over the summer months and beyond, with not only hints and tips on how to keep their dogs cool, but directing owners towards places they can go to and stay at where dogs are welcome. All of which you will find on this page!

Dogs make fantastic hiking buddies, bursting with excitement to explore the outdoors. However, taking them on an adventure trail comes with risks, and you must know how to manage their energy and safety.
For many of us, our canine companions are considered part of the family, accompanying us wherever possible. Although unfortunately, this can make planning a holiday stressful …
Dog-Friendly Pubs Ideal for Strolls in London, a city that embraces its canine companions, combining the British love for pubs and dogs …
The #DogsDieOnHotWalks campaign aims to raise awareness of the dangers of walking your dog during hot weather …
Here is a great list of places to take your dog for a walk and where they are welcome to join you in the dog friendly restaurant or bar …
As every dog and owner are different, why not take a look at the Sainsburys Bank guide to Creative Canine Fitness …
To say that we take Herbie on our walks wouldn’t give the full picture. Herbie is the reason we started walking in the first place …
Every summer, thousands of families and their dogs take to the roads of the UK …
It has been shown that dog owners get more exercise than those who have gym memberships. Walking (or running) with your dog not …
Whatever some people may believe, there’s no such thing as the dog poo fairy.
The Weekend Warriors take on a Three Peak Challenge with their pooch Chilli. Find out how they got on here.
The Kennel Club and National Farmers’ Union (NFU) have joined forces to make countryside …
This is the PDSA advice for dog owners making more people aware of the dangers on the beach for dogs.
A good way to keep up your fitness levels while you are pregnant is by walking. It builds up stamina, burns calories …
Madog Dog Walks Group is a social dog-walking group which aims to provide regular dog …
Dogs heat up quickly and cool down very differently to humans. They are covered in fur and do not sweat in the same way as we do …
If you are planning to be out and about with your dog this summer – here is our handy guide to making sure your dog is happy and healthy …
Ever wondered what you do if you see a dog in distress in a car on a warm day. Well here is the advice from all charities involved in the Dogs Die in Hot Cars campaign.
There are two types of dog people in my experience. Those who hear their dog’s voices, and those who lie …
Because I can. That sounds really trite doesn’t it, but, if you can walk, you should; for exercise, for health, for peace of mind and for getting from one place to another …
Labelled by walkers and residents as the ‘best beer garden in the world’, Langdale in the Lake District is leading the way for walkers who want to taste …