Years ago a lifestyle guru told me that my main method of meditation and relaxation should be walking. He advised that I walk until my mind was clear then walk some more, and after that carry on walking! Some people need to sweat it out on the squash court, in the gym or the pool. I simply need fresh air, nature and a good pair of walking boots! What I’ve realised is that walking is all the fitness and relaxation
most of us need.
Walking for All
My outdoor blog,
Kids of the Wild was set up in 2016 to encourage and inspire families to get outdoors into nature, to be active, to have wild adventures and create lasting family memories. (The blog took a detour in 2017 when my wild child daughter and writing inspiration – then 7-years old – was diagnosed with a rare inoperable cancer. But that didn’t stop us enjoying as much outdoor time as we were able, we simply amended our adventures as necessary and walked less distance).

It was during the 18 months of Kids of the Wild that I realised the best and easiest way for EVERYONE to enjoy outdoor time, get fresh air and thus ignite a lifelong love of the wild is to simply GET WALKING.
It takes little effort, costs nothing and it is REALLY good for us.
Ways to Walk and Keep Fit
In childhood I walked most weekends with my family at a local park as well as to school and back every day, whatever the weather. We rescued a dog in my early teens who was walked daily and I continued a love of walking in Venture Scouts (now Explorers) with hundreds of miles walked on challenge hikes and for the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. As an adult, not one for the office, I even joined the police to walk the beat (amongst other reasons!) avoiding a desk job!
Walking for Mums
On becoming a Mum, walking provided the perfect way to keep me and the dog fit, get my daily nature hit and most importantly immerse my new born adventurer-to-be in a life of fresh air and activity from day one. Pram-pushing and baby wearing both add to the fitness potential.

Parenting is hard, so to help us worn-out wild parents I wrote
10 Ways to Make Walking with Kids Wonderful including these ideas: –
- Take a friend
- Teddy comes too
- Bribery!
- Kids map reading
- The right outdoor kit
- Bug hunting
- Scavenger hunts
- Take a foraging bag
Kids of the Wild shares lots of ideas on walking with kids including
waterfall adventures, little-known gems such as Northumberland’s
Old Bewick Moorand one of my personal favourites in The Outdoor Guide’s Top 10 UK walks,
Dunstanburgh Castle.

Why not choose a walk on The Outdoor Guide and then visit Kids of the Wild for some great ways to make walking with your family and kids truly wonderful.