Not all children are enthusiastic when told they are going on a walk, however ‘Wild Tracking’ as seen in ‘Nature’s Playground’ by Fiona Danks and Jo Schofield is a game that not only keep kids entertained when out walking but it enhances so many other emotions, it allows creativity as they make their markers in the ground from sticks and twigs, it helps build up team work and social skills by hiding together and tracking each other down. It connects children to nature in a direct way that allows them to get dirty and listen for different sounds.

It is the perfect game to play in woodland, where there are lots of trees to hide behind! Fiona and Jo have created the perfect code to follow, ranging from arrow messages to ‘we’ve gone home’ messages.
It is a game that is crossed between Hansel and Gretel’s bread crumb trail and a nature inspired hide and seek!
Happy adventuring!