TOG Foundation

Discover Rutland – Heritage Trail 4 – Mills, quarries and railways

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Mills quarries and railways
Harringworth Viaduct - Image credit: Rjphotographics
Mills quarries and railways
Harringworth Viaduct - Image credit: Rjphotographics

Walk Details
Our walk today starts in North Luffenham’s parish churchyard. From here we need to cross over the stone stile located in the right-hand wall, overlooking the Chater valley.

We’re walking diagonally across the field towards the trees at the bottom and cross over the River Chater by the footbridge and continue, aiming for the trees ahead, by the railway line. Turn left and cross the railway bridge, until we reach a crossroads and take the right hand turn towards Pilton.

As the road veers to the right, look out for a bridleway to our left. If you have time, you may wish to make a detour to visit Pilton village, about 600 yards further on. Otherwise, we follow the bridleway past a brick building on our right, carrying straight through a gateway with the field boundary to our left and a wooded area to our right.

Follow the bridleway, climbing slightly uphill. On this part of our walk we can pause for a moment and look to our left for clear views of North Luffenham and its church spire. This wide green lane leads to North Luffenham Road.

Cross the road and continue on the bridleway straight ahead. After a short distance there is a gate and stile to the right. We need to go over the stile and keep to the unploughed strip on the left, following on to the end of the field. Here we cross another stile and continue on the grass pathway through the middle of this final field.

The bridleway emerges in South Luffenham where we turn right and follow the road into the centre of the village. Once over the railway bridge, follow the road to the left (Angle Lane) round to the Square. Take the tarmac pathway ahead. It leads across a field and over the stream to the east side of the village, emerging opposite a small green and the parish church of St. Mary. Turn left and follow the road round past the Boot Inn.

At a fork in the road, we’re taking the left hand route, passing the Old School House on our right. Soon after this take the tarmac path to the left, passing a large pond, to reach Pinfold Lane. Opposite, a wooden gate leads to a footpath across the fields

Cross the field, heading to our left until we reach a gate. Go through this and walk along a narrow hedged track, the line of the old disused railway, which opens out as we reach the modern line and Station Road. To our right are the remains of a disused windmill and as you turn left to follow Station Road over the level crossing, we will pass the old train station to the left and Old Mill Farm, a 19th century watermill.

Cross the bridge and follow the road past a row of brick cottages and the sewage works. After about 1⁄2 mile you will see the village sign for North Luffenham which takes us back to where we began.

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Local Information

Read the Countryside Code before venturing out
Make sure to take a map and compass, and know how to use them before going into our National Parks #BeAdventureSmart

Tips for New Walkers: click here to download (PDF).

Remember to prepare properly before heading out on any type of walk or outdoor activity. Tell people where you are going and what time you are expected back. As Wainwright says "There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing".