Wainwright Walks Coast To Coast Book (Julia Bradbury)

To accompany the BBC television series, Julia’s new book follows Julia as she re-traces Wainwright’s grand traverse.

The book collects together all six stages of the walk from the series, with Julia’s commentary on her experience of the walk accompanied by stills, evocative landscape photography and AW’s celebrated line drawings. Julia crosses this changing landscape in sun, wind and rain, learns something of its history and meets the people that make up almost 200 miles of northern England’s most glorious countryside.



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Published to tie in with the 40th anniversary of the publication of Wainwright’s ‘A Coast to Coast Walk’. The much-loved fell walker Alfred Wainwright created one of the truly great walking challenges – to walk across the whole of England. The Coast to Coast route was Wainwright’s last great venture and has become his greatest legacy to long distance walkers.