All treats no tricks
Although easy to assume that Halloween is an all American celebration – the origins actually go back to Ireland and the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain that celebrated the harvest at the end of summer. The Celts believed that on this night the spirits of the departed would visit the mortal world and bonfires were lit to ward off any evil spirits among them.
Today Halloween is something quite different! Youngsters dress up in fancy dress and go from door to door (but only those with either a lit jack-o-lantern or Halloween decorations ups) trick or treating.
This week we’re knocking on your inbox with some treats that are perfect for outdoor adventures!

Ghostly goings on in Gosport
It’s only right that we take you on a spooky stroll this week. Less that 2 hours on a train from London and you’ll find yourself in Portsmouth. From here we jump on a ferry across the harbour and four minutes later we find ourselves in Gosport for a walk that offers us a glimpse into a time gone by to Fort Brockhurst – one of a number of forts built around 1850 to protect Portsmouth from an invasion from the French. Keep your eyes peeled in case you see one of the infamous ghosts that are said to haunt the fort.
We’re heading back across the harbour to spend the night at the Royal Maritime Hotel that is located close to the Historic Shipyard (that’s worth a visit if you have the time).
SAVE with Outdooractive
We’re excited to be working with Outdooractive as one of our mapping partners for our series of curated walks. As a world leading digital platform, they are home to thousands of walking, hiking, cycling and adventure trails that are ready and waiting for you to explore.
You can save €10 from Outdooractive Pro or Pro+ Subscriptions by entering the code WALKHAPPYRORZS.
Pro is currently priced at €29.99 per year and Pro+ is priced at €59.99. Offer valid for first year of membership only.
Historical haunts
This has to be the perfect time of year for exploring some of the darker and spookier places in the country. TOG blogger, Annie Button, has provided us with some inspirations of places you may want to visit. You can read them in her blog.
Motorhome & Caravan Show round up
Thank you so much to everyone who popped by to see us at the Motorhome and Caravan Show earlier this month at the NEC in Birmingham. We had a fabulous week at the show – catching up with old friends and making new ones. It also gave us the opportunity to thank some of the brands there, including Coachman and Swift, for supporting our Waterproof & Wellies campaign.
Children also had the opportunity to enter our competition with Flanci to design a pair of leggings. If your little ones are feeling creative – there’s still plenty of time to enter. You can download them template from our website – entries need to be submitted to us by 31st December 2024.