We had a fantastic time at the Destination Show meeting TOG partners and making new friends. The TOG team, kitted out in their gear by Stadium Sports included MD Gina, Content Director Holly, AccessTOG Ambassador Debbie, Literary Student Jess and Writer Susan from The Book Trail. The Book Trail aims to inspire readers and travellers alike to travel literary style and place their favourite book, quite literarily, on the map.
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Julia Bradbury gave a great talk on the Thursday and Saturday chatting to Julia Wheeler about past and present travel experiences as well as writing her book Unforgettable Walks. After each talk Julia was at the Stanfords stand book signing and taking photos with avid walkers! Julia and The Outdoor Guide are also launching a campaign with Keep Britain Tidy to get walkers to pick up litter and contribute to the Great British Spring Clean with a free litter bag!
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Gin from MarGins Norfolk Walking Holidays came by to say hello. MarGins walking packages will provide you with the opportunity to totally lose yourself in the environment both day and at night! Debbie also managed meet outdoor adventurer Levison Wood!
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Debbie, our AccessTOG Ambassador was interviewed by Wireless Radio talking about how being wheel bound doesn’t stop her from reaching the summits! She was also seen being pushed ‘off the edge’ of a giant waterfall painting!
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