TOG Foundation

Families for All Family Hub Walk

Walk Description
This is a great circular walk from the Families for All Family Hub that takes in part of one of the hidden gems of Coventry – the canal.

From the Family Hub we’re turning left and walking down the Fosehill Road. This is a busy road and care should be taken, especially when crossing roads. This is a road full of ethnic supermarkets, cafes (including Chaiiwala), barber shops and sweet treats – including Standard Sweet Centre which was Coventry’s first Asian sweet centre and restaurant that opened in 1975.

On the right we pass Shri Guru Ravidass Gurdwara temple, on the left is St Paul’s Church. As we reach the junction with Broad Street, we need to go around the corner slightly to use a pedestrian crossing (close to the Fosehill Spiritual Church) before continuing back along the Fosehill Road towards the city centre. Down Broad Street you can also find the local library and a Baptist Church.

Our walk continues on, past a dental surgery on our left and up to a major traffic junction with Coventry City Council offices on the right hand side until we come to the bridge that crosses the canal. The entrance to the tow path is on the far lefthand side. Whilst those on foot and single buggies can get on to the tow path – those in wheelchairs or with double buggies won’t be able to. If this is the case for you – continue along the Fosehill Road in the same direction we’ve been walking and take a left along George Eliot Road and then left at the end onto Leicester Causeway and you’ll rejoin the walk as the others leave the tow path.

It’s a zig zag path onto the tow path. At the canal we’re turning right and walking along the tow path. It’s easy to forget along here that you are in the heart of the city. Keep an eye out for wildlife as you walk and make sure your little ones stay away from the edge (no one wants an extra bath!). We’re only doing a short section of the canal today – but it’s worth exploring more of it perhaps another day. We leave the tow path just before you reach the next bridge – where there are some metal railings in the middle of the path and an arched gateway to your right. Stepping off the tow path we find ourselves on Leicester Causeway. We continue on until we reach Stoney Stanton Road. To your right, on the opposite side of the road is a mosque, the Masjid Zeenatul Islam. We are turning left, to cross the bridge over the canal. A short distance from here, on your right is the Coventry Muslim Resource Centre.

We take the first left onto Paragon Way and then turn right onto Warrington Lane. As we follow the road round to the left we see a park (Webster Park) to our right. This is where we are headed. A little further up you’ll see a footpath that takes you into the park. This is a great place to come with you little ones – there’s a path around the outside, plenty of grass for a kick about or to have a picnic on a sunny day. Our walk cuts across the park and brings us out near the entrance to Broad Heath Community Primary School, where we turn right and then left to bring us back onto the Stoney Stanton Road.

We walk past a petrol station (which has toilets if needed) on the left and the Godiva Group Medical Centre on the right. Just past here we come to another park on the right, Red House Park, that has a great playground for children.

Continuing along the Stoney Stanton Road, we pass a Police Station on the left followed by Broad Street Surgery, as we come to a major road junction. With the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church of St. Volodymyr on the right, we continue to a pedestrian crossing to cross Stoney Stanton Road before turning left onto Station Street East.

We come to a crossroads where we turn right onto Princess Street and then left onto St Elizabeth Road, going past St Elizabeth Catholic Primary School on our left followed by St Elizabeth Church on the corner. Here we turn right and then take a left, between the houses and into Edgwick Park. Here you’ll find green space for the little ones to run around in, cricket nets, playground and outdoor gym equipment that’s free to use.

Once in the park we follow the path round to the left, past the Rosie & Jim Nursery and find ourselves back out onto the Fosehill Road again. Immediately to our left is the Families For All Family Hub – pop in for a hot drink and a warm welcome or continue on with the rest of your day.

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Local Information

Read the Countryside Code before venturing out
Make sure to take a map and compass, and know how to use them before going into our National Parks #BeAdventureSmart

Tips for New Walkers: click here to download (PDF).

Remember to prepare properly before heading out on any type of walk or outdoor activity. Tell people where you are going and what time you are expected back. As Wainwright says "There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing".