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- Park Edge Family Hub Walk
Walk Description
This is a great circular walk that starts from the Park Edge Family Hub. Whilst the full walk will take around an hour – there are lots of options for short cuts.
From the Family Hub we turn left onto Roseberry Avenue. Taking care to cross over the road, we head into Riley Square shopping precinct. Here you can find a post office, pharmacy, small supermarkets and the Bell Green Library.
We leave Riley Square and find ourselves back on Roseberry Avenue where we turn right and walk up towards the traffic lights at the junction with Henley Road (where there’s another supermarket on the lefthand side).
At the lights we turn left and walk down Henley Road. This is quite a busy road so please do take care as you go. We pass some houses and then cross the river (this is the River Sowe) – then immediately on the other side of the river we turn left and head into the park that runs alongside it.
We continue walking up to a clear T junction in the path. A short cut here would be to go left and continue walking along the river (you’ll pick up our route again shortly). We though are going right. The path takes us amongst the houses. We walk up an alleyway and then turn left on to Petitor Crescent. You may find cars parked across the pavement here – please take care if you find you have to walk on the road in places.
We follow the road around until we come to a traffic roundabout. On the opposite side we see the Moat House Leisure & Community Centre (behind here is Moat House Park which is a fantastic green space for you to explore). We’re taking the second road on the left, Deedmore Road and go past the Medical Centre on our left. We’re then turning left to go down the alleyway onto Hillmorton Road – but if we were to continue straight on we would come to The Moat Family Hub on our right and then Coventry City Mission a little further on (home to a pay what you can cafe, food bank, stay and play sessions and charity shop). If you’re in the mood for a longer walk – you could pick up The Moat Family Hub walk here and explore more green spaces in the area.
On Hillmorton Road we turn right and then take the first road on our left, Lapworth Road. Just after the road swings round to the right, we turn left, down an alleyway that takes us back to the park running alongside the River Sowe. If you decided to take the short cut above – this is where you pick our walk back up again. In the park we turn right and continue to follow the path of the river.
This section of our walk offers several opportunities to shorten the route by crossing over any of the bridges to the opposite side and heading back up towards Roseberry Avenue. We however are going to continue further along the river as there are some more great green spaces that we want to show you!
We keep following the path running alongside the river until we reach a road (Hillmorton Road). Here we cross over with care and then continue on until we reach the next footbridge to our left. Here we cross over the river and follow the righthand path. We go through an underpass and come out at the entrance to Wyken Pool which you can explore at your leisure or perhaps come back another day.
We’re going to follow the path up to the left where we see a pedestrian crossing which we use to get to the other side of the road. We then follow the path that goes down to the left, and then right onto Violet Close. At the end of the road we turn left and follow the road as it becomes Almond Tree Avenue. We keep walking along this road, passing North Point Church on our left, followed by the River Sowe and then a playground area. And then, before you know it, we’re back at Park Edge Family Hub once more. Perhaps pop in for a hot drink and a warm welcome before continuing on with the rest of your day.
Read the Countryside Code before venturing out
Make sure to take a map and compass, and know how to use them before going into our National Parks #BeAdventureSmart
Tips for New Walkers: click here to download (PDF).
Remember to prepare properly before heading out on any type of walk or outdoor activity. Tell people where you are going and what time you are expected back. As Wainwright says "There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing".