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- The Moat Family Hub Walk
Walk Description
Our walk starts from The Moat Family Hub, located alongside Moat House Primary School.
From the front gate we turn right and walk along Deedmore Road. Here we come to City Mission – home to a pay what you can cafe, food bank, stay and play sessions and charity shop.
Immediately past the City Mission we’re crossing over Cosford Avenue and then turning right, onto a path that crosses a patch of grass.
This path can get muddy in places, especially in wet weather. We go through the entrance in the gate (it’s a bit of a zigzag but accessible) and cut across the grass that runs behind the industrial estate. Whilst there isn’t a paved path here – it’s clear which way to go from the path that has been worn into the grass. We come to a paved path and follow it into Moat House Park.
The path forks – we’re taking the left fork, following the line of houses. This is a great space that is actually located right behind the Family Hub. In summer months it’s perfect for picnics and letting the youngsters run off some energy.
We’re heading off to the left, back onto the grass and into more open green space. To our left is the back of Cardinal Wiseman School. We’re going round to our right and following the track across more open green space. If you have a pushchair or are a wheelchair user, you may find it easier to veer more to the right here and walk on the paved path that runs alongside the grass on Luscombe Road. If you’re on foot however, keep on the grass, following the worn track that others who have gone before you have left.
When we reach Henley Road, we’re turning right and, taking care as we do, cross over the road. We pass a convenience store and Henley Green Medical Centre before turning left onto Hermes Crescent. Following the road as it bends round to the right. On your left, behind the trees, is the River Sowe. It is possible to walk closer to it and on the opposite side of the river is Wyken Croft Nature Park which is worth exploring. For our walk, we’re continuing on Hermes Crescent. There’s a great playground on the left for your young ones to enjoy.
As the road meets Wyken Croft, we turn left on to it (you can go right here to get easy access to Wyken Croft Nature Park). On our right we go past the Henley Green Community Centre next door to Henley Green Primary School.
When we get to Henley Road we need to cross over with care and then cut through the housing estate until we come to Clennon Rise. We stay straight on here until we reach Winston Avenue where we turn left and then go right, following the path around until we come to the pitches at the back of Moat House Leisure Centre. There’s a footpath we can take that goes past the football pitch and then turn left to come out on Deedmore Road. To our left in the Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre, opposite that is Wood End Health Centre and then to our right, the way we’re going, is Castlewood Primary School.Next to that is Moat House Primary School and then we find ourselves back at the Family Hub. Pop in for a hot drink before continuing with the rest of your day.
Read the Countryside Code before venturing out
Make sure to take a map and compass, and know how to use them before going into our National Parks #BeAdventureSmart
Tips for New Walkers: click here to download (PDF).
Remember to prepare properly before heading out on any type of walk or outdoor activity. Tell people where you are going and what time you are expected back. As Wainwright says "There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing".