TOG Foundation

Lanes, Tracks and Woodlands Walk, Roncombe Valley, Devon

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Walk Details
This lovely walk passes through several woodland sections. Leave the HPB complex along the access drive, turning right at the road junction. After a short distance turn left at Mincombe Barn (Lower Mincombe Farm on O.S. maps). Cross the bridge then curve to the right, following an upward course.

Eventually, pass through a wide gate, maintaining the upward slog, with woodland to your right, then as the terrain levels off, head towards an exit gate directly ahead. Cross the road to walk along a farm access road.

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Immediately before reaching the farm buildings, swing left (beyond the wind turbines). After 100 yards (when the wind turbines align) turn right and proceed straight ahead, close to the right hand boundary. When a choice of routes is presented, turn right (blue arrow).

Pass through two gates to enter an enclosed track that descends into woodlands. At a major junction, swing left and follow an uphill section to reach the topside of the woods (past a shed).

Turn right (signpost) along a well-used track, walking on the inner perimeter of the woods. After half a mile, ignore the path to the left and continue straight on through the woods.

Beyond an open area with views of Sidford, Sidmouth and the bay, follow a green descending track that passes through a gateway (50 yards ahead) before merging with a road. Turn right towards Harcombe (note the Victorian post box set into a wall on the left, at the bottom of the hill). Curve right and pass Harcombe Farm buildings.

Immediately beyond the last houses on the right, enter a wide track (signposted Unmetalled Road) then, when the track divides, opt for the left fork. In a few paces, cross a stile on the right and follow the left edge of a steep field to cross another stile.

Climb an enclosed path and enter a wood. Continue on the right hand side of the wood and then swing left to climb through the wood to a gate. Beyond a second gate, swing right to walk along a cleared track.

Continue on the bridleway (ignoring the path on the left) for a mile to join a road. Turn left down the hill. (For a quick return to the HPB complex, turn right along the road for a mile, seeking the gate on the left beyond Oaklands used earlier).

Follow the road as it descends to reach Hatway Cottage seen on the left. At that point leave the road on the right (signpost) and follow an obvious route that’s waymarked and passes through open fields, woodland and finally a narrow, enclosed lane, always maintaining the same general line. Emerging onto a road turn left, passing a house (Oaklands), then 150 yards farther on pass through a gate on the left (used earlier) and retrace your previous footsteps back to Lower Knapp Farm, and a welcome cup of tea.

trainNearest Train (or tube) Station(s):
Honiton, Exeter

Local Information

Read the Countryside Code before venturing out
Make sure to take a map and compass, and know how to use them before going into our National Parks #BeAdventureSmart

Tips for New Walkers: click here to download (PDF).

Remember to prepare properly before heading out on any type of walk or outdoor activity. Tell people where you are going and what time you are expected back. As Wainwright says "There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing".