TOG Foundation

Wilverley Inclosure New Forest Walk

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Wilverley Inclosure
Image credit: Holly Barber
Wilverley Inclosure
Image credit: Holly Barber
Wilverley Inclosure
Image credit: Holly Barber
Wilverley Inclosure
Image credit: Holly Barber
Wilverley Inclosure
Image credit: Holly Barber

Walk Details
A popular spot just a short distance from the A35, Wilverley Inclosure is a beautiful combination of old and new trees, with broadleaf, evergreen and towering redwoods. This is a circular walk that starts in the car park next to Wilverley Plain (an open expanse of grassland that is great for a picnic).

As you enter the car park from the road, we’re heading round to the right. At the far end of the car park is the gate that we’re going through to get into the inclosure.

It’s a good path that’s suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs. Being an inclosure – it’s a gated woodland where, in theory, there shouldn’t be any of the free roaming livestock as seen elsewhere in the New Forest. However should there be any holes in the fence or gates accidentally left open there may be some ponies wandering through. Should you encounter any – if you have a dog with you please ensure they are kept under control.

From the gate into the woodland we continue straight on until we come to a t-junction with a sign giving some history of the land. From here we turn right and follow the path round. Pause for a moment and just listen to the birdsong or hug a tree (the redwoods have such soft bark).

As the hum of the A35 gets a little louder, you’ll notice the path to your left, almost doubling back on yourself. We’re following this path and keep going as we wind our way through this woodland. In places we find ourselves amongst wise old beech trees, in others there are much younger pines. The path gently climbs up and brings us back down the gentle slopes (the New Forest is relatively flat – it’s why the contour lines on an Ordnance Survey map are 5m apart rather than the 10m elsewhere in the country.

After winding our way along the path we come to another clear T junction. If we went right, we’d end up in the other part of the car park (to the left when you enter from the road). We instead are turning left and walking back to where the sign is we saw earlier, then taking a right turn and heading back to the gate and back to the car park.

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Local Information

Read the Countryside Code before venturing out
Make sure to take a map and compass, and know how to use them before going into our National Parks #BeAdventureSmart

Tips for New Walkers: click here to download (PDF).

Remember to prepare properly before heading out on any type of walk or outdoor activity. Tell people where you are going and what time you are expected back. As Wainwright says "There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing".