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Peebles via Kirkhope Law Circular

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Peebles via Kirkhope Law Circular
Image credit: Charlie Sim
Peebles via Kirkhope Law Circular
Image credit: Charlie Sim
Peebles via Kirkhope Law Circular
Image credit: Charlie Sim
Peebles via Kirkhope Law Circular
Image credit: Charlie Sim
Peebles via Kirkhope Law Circular
Image credit: Charlie Sim
Peebles via Kirkhope Law Circular
Image credit: Charlie Sim
Peebles via Kirkhope Law Circular
Image credit: Charlie Sim

Walk Details
Hello, I am Charlie Sim, retired engineer living in the Scottish Borders town of Peebles. I love walking and being outdoors – and I’m delighted to be sharing some of my favourite walks here with you.

This walk is part of the locally named “Horseshoe walk”. I started from Kings Meadow car park however you can start anywhere in town.

This is a difficult walk/hike in terms of gradients, however there are flat sections too with stunning views and wildlife – watch out for the grouse (not the bird rather than the whiskey – unless you take your own!!) and pheasants who can surprise you should you get close).

Make sure you’re prepared for the weather – when I did this walk it was a warm sunny day so I needed plenty of sun cream, a hat, lots of fluids, snacks, good boots, walking sticks, jacket (as it’s cool on the summit) and a map. As always when you’re out walking on the hills – don’t forget to tell someone where you’re planning to go and what time you expect to be back (and let them know you’re back so they don’t raise an alarm unnecessarily!).

As we proceed towards Haystoun estate (see the Haystoun circular walk) I take the route along the cut. The route we’re taking is in reverse of local guides as I know it’s easier. You’ll thank me later!

We head all the way along the cut to Haystoun then follow the farm track nearly to the end. On the map you come across the sheepfold, this is where you head up to the summit. Make sure you take as many rest stops on the way up as you need (I had six!). Use each as an excuse to admire the view.

Once at the top, the path called gypsy glen (part of a drove road) is the one that takes us all the way down to the glen and back to Peebles.

If you head up to the fence line to the left takes you to Birks cairn, Stake Law and Dun Rig.

Turn right to the walking gate, this takes you to Orchard Rig, Cardrona Forest then down to Cardrona.

We head towards Kirkhope Law then Kalzie Hill, there are some stunning views as we walk along the summit, then start downhill and eventually back to Peebles for a well needed refreshment and food.

There are loads of places to eat and refresh yourself, or head back to your hotel. My favourites are The Park Hotel garden for lunch or Peebles Hydro where you can have lunch outside and show other guests where you walked as it’s visible from the front of the hotel.

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Local Information

Read the Countryside Code before venturing out
Make sure to take a map and compass, and know how to use them before going into our National Parks #BeAdventureSmart

Tips for New Walkers: click here to download (PDF).

Remember to prepare properly before heading out on any type of walk or outdoor activity. Tell people where you are going and what time you are expected back. As Wainwright says "There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing".