Want to know what it’s like being part of the TOG family? Don’t take our word for it, see some comments from our Partners below…

Hell Barn Cottages
“It was a real privilege to appear on an episode of “Best Walks with a View”, and several years on we are still feeling the benefits with more people walking the nearby hollow way in Julia’s footsteps, and subsequently staying in our cottages and eating our Japanese food. It has been a delight to be able to reach so many people, all made possible by Julia and the TOG team and website, which we highly recommend. Thank you so much!”
Diana and Shigeaki

Pink Ribbon Foundation
“We are honoured to partner with the The Outdoor Guide to promote the health benefits of walking. It has been proven that a healthy diet and exercise can reduce the onset of breast cancer by up to a third, as well as having huge benefits for your mental health too. We look forward to many years of working with the team at TOG to promote not only our charity events and their wonderful walking trails but also our joint initiatives.”

Cottage in the Dales
“Our relationship with The Outdoor Guide has developed through the team’s insight into how we operate and what we offer. It’s great to work with people whose company we enjoy and whose professionalism in delivering what we need is unmatched. Team TOG complements the practical work done by other parties through their sustained drive to promote the area in which we’re based and their ability to inspire potential visitors.”

Hoe Grange Holidays
“It’s great working with you and you are brilliant at sharing all things Hoe Grange”
~ David and Felicity Owners of Hoe Grange Holidays

Cornish Ramblings – Jody Woolcock
Being part of the TOG family is wonderful. They are a great team of outdoor enthusiasts who share my love for walking, the great outdoors and like me, are committed in getting people active and outside. The website is full of interesting information and handy resources, so having the opportunity to share my adventures via my TOG walking blog is fantastic!

Coffee Notes

Camping and Caravanning Club
We enjoy working with the lovely folk at The Outdoor Guide who are committed to getting people active outdoors and enjoying our countryside – just as we are. Julia Bradbury is also The Camping and Caravanning Club’s President, though our relationship goes much deeper. We collaborate on content sharing and are happy to support sponsorship opportunities that come our way too such as TOG’s involvement with Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean campaign.

Outdoor Dad

Outwell, Robens, Easy Camp

The Tales of Ted

Infinite Management