The Welderness

The Wellderness

      © Lee Milner © Lee Milner © Kat Naish © Kat Naish © Mark Cropley © Kat Naish Visit the website Like us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram The Wellderness is a non-profit, community interest company who improve people’s lives through nature and improve nature through people. Founded in January 2021,…


Lowa Footwear

Visit the website Like us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram For nearly 100 years, LOWA boots have been acclaimed as the finest outdoor boots in the world by climbers, mountaineers, hikers, ramblers, the media and certified quality testers. Their attention to every detail in design and European manufacturing has earned their reputation for building…

Simon Pollard

Simon Pollard

Visit the website Like us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram YouTube Channel Simon has an unabating passion for our countryside; as well as having a vast knowledge of the nature which surrounds us. He also has a fascination for our connection to the world we live in and the lessons we can all learn…

Visit Dartmoor

Visit Dartmoor

Visit the website Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Dartmoor really does have something for everyone; history lovers can explore castle ruins and learn about local myths and legends at our museums or on a guided walk, families have plenty of exciting attractions to choose from, while there’s lots…