Julia on location filming Julia Bradbury’s Irish journey | © Raja Nundlall/Cornelia Street Productions
Walk Details
Soak up some of the stunning coastline of the Wild Atlantic Way with this 2.6 mile walk. We start by heading north, following the sound of the crashing waves.
This is a great walk offering breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean. As it expands out in front of you, you get an idea of just how vast it is. Take in all of that Vitamin Sea! Our walk takes us to the beloved landmark of the Inishcrone Pier. Here you can take a moment to pause – listen to the soundscape, watch fishing boats or perhaps spot a local angler casting their line out to sea.
Gently we loop round towards Enniscrone Castle – the ruins of a 17th century fortified house that is part of the rich history of this area (some of which dates back to 5500BC). Perhaps you’ll want to take a moment to explore and just imagine the stories that these ruined buildings could tell of days gone by. This circular walk offers something for everyone and is the perfect way to soak up the charm of this Irish coastal village.
Read the Countryside Code before venturing out
Make sure to take a map and compass, and know how to use them before going into our National Parks #BeAdventureSmart
Tips for New Walkers: click here to download (PDF).
Remember to prepare properly before heading out on any type of walk or outdoor activity. Tell people where you are going and what time you are expected back. As Wainwright says "There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing".