Driven by a desire to explore the great outdoors with their children, authors, Becky Jones and Clare Lewis, dipped into their own childhoods to weave family friendly walks into enthralling adventures. With a hint of nostalgia, the adventures revive the simple pleasures of climbing trees, building shelters, scavenger hunts, tracking and trail-finding and identifying wild flowers. Whether it’s an urban or a countryside adventure it is guaranteed to be packed with diverting activities and tantalising facts designed to fire the imagination of every child. Unique to the market, these charmingly illustrated, pocket-sized maps and books are crammed with everything you need to know to plan and enjoy a magical day out with the family.


  • Start the ‘adventure’ before you leave the house: ask the kids to mix up a bag of dried fruit, nuts, seeds and chocolate (Smarties and Chocolate Buttons are good) to keep them going along the way.
  • Assign one of the grown-ups to walk at the pace of the slowest child.
  • Take turns in being leader of the expedition, and play Follow the Leader as you go.
  • Make up stories: put your child in as the hero/heroine and take it in turns to add a sentence to the story.
  • Sings songs, send the kids on a scavenger hunt or go on a bear hunt!

becky-jones-clare-lewis “We are delighted to be partners of The Outdoor Guide and to share our ideas to help get families on their feet to enjoy the priceless pleasures of day spent in the great outdoors.

Clare and Becky

Share your favourite adventures on the Adventure Walks Books Facebook page. Or send us a tweet @adventurewalks

Every child should be able to go out walking, whether it is a rural or urban walk, come rain or sunshine. It is a great way to bond as a family and get the kids away from the screens, but more often than not it needs parents and older family members ..