The Adventure Walks City Maps: London

The Adventure Walks City Maps: London, Paris, New York or Rome Sightsee your way round some of the world’s greatest cities all neatly packaged into a pocket-sized map. Climb to the top of the tallest skyscrapers in New York City, unearth what the Roman’s did for London, spin on a vintage carousel in Paris, and fight like a gladiator in Rome’s colosseum, the world’s largest amphitheatre.


These imaginative walks take in all the must-see landmarks, museums and art galleries, as well as showing you lots of fun things to do along the way . With a copy of one of these colourfully illustrated travel guides you can walk the streets of an unfamiliar city with confidence and these insiders’ guides make sure you are never too far away from a cooling ice cream or somewhere for the kids to let off some steam.

‘Adventure Walks has created a neat way to discover a city by breaking it down into satisfying chunks that are easily digestible for kids and adults alike.’