Please tick the box at checkout to receive updates & offers from: The Outdoor Guide, Keep Britain Tidy, Fire Cadets, Peak District National Park, Roben, The Camping and Caravanning Club, Landrover, Overboard, RSPCA, Outwell, Premier, Easy Camp, Ordnance Survey, Eco Monkey, Helping hand, The Outdoor Guide Foundation. You can unsubscribe at any time & your data will never be sold for marketing purposes.

Litter Hero Bag + Hand Sanitiser

Time to clean up our act …
Litter is a blight on our environment, causing harm to wildlife and costing millions of pounds a year to clear up. Keep Britain Tidy exists to help cut litter, end waste and improve places. Inspired by their effort to get out and tidy up, the Litter Heroes Campaign is an opportunity for us all to take small individual steps and effect huge change. Julia Bradbury and The Outdoor Guide have teamed up with like-minded outdoor communities to create a reusable litter bag to reduce the need for plastic bags and help you become a Litter Hero.

SIGN UP NOW for your Litter Hero Bag + Hand Sanitiser (FREE P&P – UK Mainland), whilst stocks last. #LitterHeroes

Please take care when picking litter and make sure item is safe to pick up and has no sharp edges!

Terms & Conditions ...

These are the terms and conditions for a canvas litter bag 2020-2021:

This is project organised by The Outdoor Guide.

The bags will be sent out to all who provide a valid email and mailing address by a representative of The Outdoor Guide.

The Companies’ who are involved in promoting the campaign and who are passionate about the cause are: Julia Bradbury, The Outdoor Guide, Camping and Caravanning Club, Keep Britain Tidy, Premier Paper Group, Outwell, Robens, EasyCamp and Global Wildlife Rescue Project.

The order page opens at 12:01 am GMT on 09/09/20.

Bags are available to anyone aged 16 or over in the UK. The bags are subject to availability whilst stocks last.

Only one order per person allowed. Orders will not be accepted via agents, third parties or in bulk.

The Companies are not responsible for contacting or forwarding a bag to customers who provide unclear or incomplete information or for orders lost, misdirected, delayed or destroyed.

Any photos shared on social media using the hashtag #LitterHeroes may be used on The Companies websites and social media and in print.

Your email address is not sold to any third party.

You will be given the option of opting out in those emails if you don’t want to receive any further news.

By signing up and ordering the bag you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

You will be given the option of opting in for marketing emails if you want to receive any promotions and offers from The Companies.

By signing up and ordering the bag you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any stage, if deemed necessary in our opinion, or if circumstances arise outside of our control.

These terms and conditions and any disputes or claims (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of these terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England, whose courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.



Out of stock


Litter Heroes 2020 – 2021
The amount of litter dropped each year in the UK has increased by a massive 500% since the 1960s. And since lockdown has eased the problem has become even worse. We’re joining forces with like-minded partners to tackle this problem through the Litter Heroes 2020 campaign …