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Kenilworth Abbey Fields & Castle Walk

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Kenilworth Abbey Fields
© Holly Barber
Kenilworth Abbey Fields
© Holly Barber
Kenilworth Abbey Fields
© Holly Barber
Kenilworth Abbey Fields
© Holly Barber
Kenilworth Abbey Fields
© Holly Barber
Kenilworth Abbey Fields
© Holly Barber

Walk Details
This is a great walk taking in some of the older parts of Kenilworth. Your starting point is the pay and display car park in the Abbey Fields (access from Bridge Street).

From here you’re heading into the Abbey Fields park towards the swimming pool and around to the opposite side of it (you can go either way around the building).

Here you’re following the path that has Finham Brook to your left and Joe’s Overflow Lake to your right until you get to the road (Castle Road) at the far end. If it’s been raining and the water is up – it’s fun to watch cars try and navigate their way through the ford that’s just here.

You’re following the footpath to the left and walking around until you see the entrance to the Brays Car Park on your right for Kenilworth Castle. Look carefully before crossing the road – and then head up the slope towards the car park. Walk past the main entrance to the castle and you’ll see a kissing gate down to your right that will take you into the Echo Meadows. There’s a clearly trodden path that you’re following through the meadow that goes out in front of you. If you want to know why it’s called the Echo Meadows – face the castle and shout something … and wait for the echo back!

From here you’re following the Millennium trail that takes you across the fields, eventually cutting right and back round to the other side of the castle. The trail is marked with wooden posts with a flower motif on.

This section of the walk offers you some great views of Kenilworth Castle. Now a ruined castle, it is considered to be one of the most spectacular in the country and has a Royal past and is now managed by English Heritage.

As you come back towards the Castle, you’ll join Purlieu Lane and come out on Castle Green with the picturesque cottages to your left. If you’re in need of refreshment you have a choice of watering holes here – The Queen & Castle, The Clarendon Arms or Time for Tea.

When you’re ready, you’re heading up Castle Hill which becomes the old High Street. You’ll get great views from here down into the Abbey Fields and Joe’s Overflow where you walked earlier. Keep walking along – look out for the blue plaque that shows where the Kenilworth Pound once was.

Keep walking along here – there are two footpaths that take you back towards the Abbey Fields and St Nicholas Church. The map shows the second one – but you can take the first if you’d prefer!

When you get to the old sandstone church, walk around it (which every way you’d prefer) and then follow the path back down toward the car park where we began.

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Carpark: A452 Bridge St, Kenilworth CV8 1BN

trainNearest Train (or tube) Station(s):
Kenilworth (0.7 miles)

Local Information

Read the Countryside Code before venturing out
Make sure to take a map and compass, and know how to use them before going into our National Parks #BeAdventureSmart

Tips for New Walkers: click here to download (PDF).

Remember to prepare properly before heading out on any type of walk or outdoor activity. Tell people where you are going and what time you are expected back. As Wainwright says "There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing".