Have you heard about the Bendrigg Trust?
If the answer is YES!
Brilliant! I hope that in some small way you will be able to support this wonderful outdoor facility for people with disabilities by making a donation.
If NO … please read on. I think you will find interest in what I write.
What is the Bendrigg Trust?
The Bendrigg Trust specialises in delivering high quality activity courses for disabled and disadvantaged people.
Their aim
To promote inclusion, encourage independence and build self-confidence through the safe provision of adventurous activities.
But like so many outdoor centres Bendrigg is struggling to keep going. It’s fair to say that 2020 has hit hard.
Sadly, they have been unable to provide residential holidays since the lockdown began back in March. They had been gearing up to restart residential trips again in November, however the department for education is advising against school residentials for the time being and this it’s expect to be the case for at least the next 6 months. With over 70% of their income coming from school residential, they have been working hard to diversify in order to bring in income whilst also relying on fundraising to offer much needed services to disabled people and their families.

With minimal staff on site, they were able to open their accessible grounds for families and adults with disabilities and were overwhelmed by the demand, with some families travelling over 50 miles just so they could access a safe outdoor space at Bendrigg. Many of these people had not dared to leave the house since shielding first began in March.
“Since lockdown the only safe access space we have had as a family has been the Bendrigg Trust grounds access. We have not accessed public outdoor spaces as family members are vulnerable and we have seen photos of public areas very crowded and totally unsafe.” – The Oldfield Family
During this year’s 2020 Big Give Christmas Challenge The Bendrigg Trust are aiming to raise £10,000 which will help to support disabled people and their families to access adventure activities at the centre.
The ‘Big Give’ takes place between Midday 1st December – Midday 8th December and if you donate via the Bendrigg Big Give page Your donations will be doubled!
From midday on Tuesday 1st of December a donate button will appear on our page HERE.
Why am I supporting the Bendrigg Trust?
I know how important it is to get outside. During this covid epidemic many people, with disabilities, like myself, have really struggled with mental health, as a result social isolation. I believe that human contact and outdoor space is a basic instinct. I’m fortunate to live where I live and have access to the fells and own an all terrain wheelchair that will get me outdoors, but social isolation has hit me hard. For many folk getting outdoors has only been a dream. Many families have struggled. Isolation has affected social development in many children and adults with disabilities.
What does Bendrigg Trust provide?
I could simply list all the activities that the centre has to offer. It’s amazing what they do provide.
But for me, the most important thing that they provide for their visitors is dignity, respect, freedom , friendship and love.
They look for solutions and don’t’ dwell on the problems
They see the person and not the disability
They make the inaccessible accessible
They create lasting memories
This is why I’m supporting the Bendrigg Trust in their BIG GIVE CHRITSMAS CHALLENGE
All funds raised throughout the challenge will go towards The Bendrigg Subsidy Fund. This fund enables socially and economically underprivileged people with disabilities to benefit from the ‘Bendrigg Experience’. Without this financial aid, many of the Bendrigg participants would simply not be able to experience these life-changing adventures.

Ways to help
There are ways that you could help too:
You could take on a physical challenge, host a virtual event, host a raffle or anything you can think of to help raise funds in aid of Bendrigg.
You’ll need to collect the funds raised in order to donate them during the Big Give Campaign Week through our unique link.
Donations must be made via this link between Midday 1st December – Midday 8th December in order for donations to be doubled.
Please help me to help them raise the much needed funds so that when the time is right and all the restrictions are lifted, Bendrigg Trust can open their doors and make adventures happen.