Wake Up Gently

Bodyclock Shine 300 is an alarm clock that mimics the light and colour of a real sunrise so when you open your eyes you feel properly awake and refreshed. Waking like this helps to regulate your sleep-wake cycle and has even been shown to boost mood, energy and productivity levels for the rest of the day. Like Spark 100 and Glow 150, Bodyclock Shine 300 uses improved LED technology to produce smooth changes of light and colour for a lovely, realistic sunrise and sunset. Extra customisation options allow you to choose the duration of the sunset and sunrise, light intensity of the sunrise alarm and add complementary sleep/wake sounds.

You can also listen to FM radio and store up to five of your favourite stations. Use the radio with the sunset and sunrise settings to drift off to sleep with the light and radio fading together or to wake up with a radio alarm. Bodyclock Shine 300 provides fully adjustable bedroom lighting, bright for reading or a relaxing soft glow. As your room gets dark, the light-sensitive display switches off to help you switch off. Tap-control snooze is another nice touch. A sleep/wake light like Bodyclock Shine 300 is not just a nicer way to start the day. It can help beat the winter blues and is a useful complement to a lightbox in treating SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). The British Swimming team use Lumie Bodyclock to get them up bright and early for training on dark, winter mornings.