Freshwalks launched in 2014 to challenge existing networking formats by combining a professional business community with life-improving exercise and an opportunity to socialise with like-minded people. Our mission is to reinvigorate both body and mind, allowing participants to make new contacts, share personal and business challenges and gain some fresh perspective – all within a magnificent setting that allows clear thinking and new ideas to flourish.  1529416771594_EdaleSunset1.jpg Freshwalks currently operates across Derbyshire, Cheshire, Yorkshire, Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Merseyside with the aim of bringing business communities and cities closer together. All through the very simple notion of walking, talking and allowing people to interact without the distraction of technology. In order to cater for all levels of walker, routes vary from low-level 8km strolls to epic 30km hikes across the highest terrain of the Peak District. EdaleSunset3.jpg So far, more than 1000 people have got involved. From junior executives to CEOs. From tech start-ups through to global professional services firms. And collectively, nearly 30 million steps have been taken. It’s made a real difference to how people think about networking, raised awareness of the amazing countryside and coastal areas that surround us and even seen walkers head back to our routes with their friends and family. Genuinely humbling to see suburban kids swap PS4 for Mam Tor on a weekend! And due to popular demand, we’ve even scheduled our first weekend trip of walking in the Lake District for October. EdaleSunset2.jpg The reason Freshwalks works so well is because it can be used in so many different ways. Some explicitly network for business development purposes; some come along to switch off busy minds and recharge; others to share business or personal challenges, collaborate and learn a thing or two. However, many walkers simply enjoy the opportunity to digitally detox and fit quality exercise seamlessly into their busy work routine. Our loyal audience also relish the strong sense of community that has been created, especially the growing army of freelancers and contractors within the modern economy who might otherwise lack regular social interaction, Monday to Friday. EdaleSunset5.jpg In 2017, a sister brand, Freshwalks City, was launched. This offers a small glimpse into the Freshwalks world through an express lunchtime format delivered within an urban environment.  Freshwalks City offers attendees an opportunity to get out of the office over their lunch hour (a little longer to be honest!) and stretch their legs with a walk around the city. As brisk as the crowds will allow us. Led by a qualified tour guide who shares snippets of local history through themed topics that stimulate conversation and educate our attendees as well as getting them more active. Networking and conversations then continue over lunch at our partner venues – typically independent or innovative establishments. If you’d like to find out more about what we do, please email or visit our website Further information on our upcoming country and city walks and our weekend visit to the Lake District can be found at  SaveSave