The Outdoor Guide’s mission has always been to make the great outdoors accessible to all. The benefits of engaging with nature have been well documented, with study after study showing that it’s great for mental and physical health.
Just because the benefits are clear, however, doesn’t mean that everyone is able to access them. There are plenty of barriers which might prevent someone accessing the outdoors, from lack of wheelchair access to lack of correct kit.
That’s where we come in. Over the past 6 years we have worked closely with an accessibility expert, Debbie North, who has mapped and tested over 100 routes throughout the UK. These wheelchair friendly walks have all the information you will need to decide whether the route is right for you.
We have recently launched a new campaign to give children better quality access to outdoor learning, by providing 10 sets of waterproof and wellies kits to every state primary school in the UK. We have found anecdotally that the reason a lot of kids can’t access the outdoors isn’t because they don’t want to, it’s because they don’t have the correct kit to. We are hoping to help ease this problem through this project.
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Waterproofs & Wellies for Primary Schools
The Waterproof and Wellies project is the flagship initiative from The Outdoor Guide Foundation. We are passionate about promoting the benefits of getting outdoors, but it has become clear to us that this is not possible for children who don’t have the correct outwear.
That is why we have launched this project, which aims to donate 10 Waterproof and Wellies kits to every primary school in the UK. Gina Bradbury, MD of The Outdoor Guide, has negotiated with respected outdoor wear suppliers to provide these kits at cost price.
These kits, at the cost price of £25, are also be available for purchase by parents from participating schools using a special code. Simply enter the code given to you by the school and select the correct size for your child. Once we have received your payment the kit will be sent to you.
You can also donate to the fund which will help provide other schools with Waterproof and Wellies kits here.
Thank you for supporting the Waterproof and Wellies project! Happy walking!

A Wheel Friendly Walk at Rutland Water.
Debbie visits North Yorkshire and tells us about her stay in the Craven Arms, Giggleswick.
Debbie takes us for an accessible walk around Malham Tarn.
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“Deb has had a huge impact to creating a countryside for all. She is a valuable member of the team and inspires us all.”
A message to AccessTOG from Julia Bradbury.