Plastic Free Party Bags: Our mission and our ethics
The idea for Plastic Free Party Bags was sparked in Spring 2018, when my daughter brought home another plastic-filled party bag from school. We both knew the items in the bag would last less than a day – but the packaging would stay on this earth beyond her lifetime.

Like most kids, she loves party bags, and it’s a such a generous and kind way to share your child’s special day. But traditional bags are filled with single-use plastic, adding to the pollution crisis we are now dealing with and shaping our kids’ future here on Earth.

All our items – as well as the bag itself – are recyclable, biodegradable, reusable or compostable, and free from animal products. To make these party bags really count, we have spent time sourcing Fairtrade fillers and toys which, where possible, actively support charities or the people who have produced them.

We hope you and your little ones love the bags and thank you for your custom, which helps us support some wonderful organisations and charities as well as take care of our amazing and beautiful planet and all who inhabit her, human and non-human.

Julia BradburyJulia Says …

“Do your children’s parties have to be full of balloons and plastic plates and cups? No! Will the kids still have fun? Yes! Kid’s birthday parties can be like a plastic pollution crime scene, but this is the generation we’re trying to inspire to reduce single-use plastic and protect the planet. The plastic free party bags from are brilliant!

The bags themselves are made of recycled Indian newspapers and help educate and get street children off the streets in New Delhi. The bird whistle is fair trade and made from sustainable bamboo – guaranteed to get any birds conversation started. The organic chocolate buttons are too delicious (and come in a compostable packet), the British wildflower seeds will teach the little one’s all they need to know about the birds and the bees.

The twig colour pencils will have them drawing up a storm on the note pad made from old till receipts! Honestly these little packs are an inspiration and a fun way for us all to learn more about how to make better choices and pay it forward.”