TOG Foundation

Carsington Water Walk, Peak District

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Walk Details
Following the partial collapse of a near-completed dam in the 1980s, the present structure was completed in 1991.

Please note you should only attempt this walk if you have strong, preferably waterproof, boots as you have to ford a stream halfway. You have been warned!!

We’re starting at the Sailing Club and turning right up the access road and then right at the main road. Cross the road and after about 40 yards we’re turning left at the stile.

Heading up the field with the hedge to our left, we then turn left at a squeezer stile and gate to then walk diagonally right across the field.

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There are two separate gates in and out of the enclosed area that we’re going through. Overtown Farm is to the right, we’re continuing on and then turning left with the hedge running along our righthand side. At the waymarked gap we’re turning right and heading down to the field and another squeezer stile.

Here we turn left to join Enslet Lane and continue onwards until we get to a small stream below us on the righthand side. We then come to a T junction (this is the ford – proceed with caution!) – cross through and turn left, heading uphill on the rough surfaced lane. We then bear right at the next junction.

Just after the top of the rise we turn left at a V-shaped signposted stile. If you want to take a detour to visit Hognaston village with its post office, inn and church with ancient stone carvings in the porch, 13th century tower with five feet thick walls and other features – continue along the lane here before turning right into the village.

Our route continues on across a pasture and to a gate where we turn right to a stile in an old hedge. We take the worn track here diagonally right towards a gap in the line of trees and then on to a stile at an area of tree plantations. Go on to another stile with a doggy hole. Now we are crossing an open field below the dam, and we need to keep bearing right to join the waterworks roadway.

When we reach the waterworks roadway, follow it to go through a field gate to descend left to a footbridge by the side of a ford. We need to cross a surfaced road to a post with waymarks; go straight on, up the rise, to stay with the roadway as it winds up a steepish gradient towards the public road.

We need to go through a field gate and cross the road to the gate on the opposite side. We soon come to a man-made track, turning left to walk towards the dam. On the righthand side you’ll see an amphitheatre-like viewing area with a seat and information board. Walk alongside the dam bank with its attractive views and occasional seats, passing to the left of the sailing club to the car park.

trainNearest Train (or tube) Station(s):
Matlock Bath, Derby

Local Information

Read the Countryside Code before venturing out
Make sure to take a map and compass, and know how to use them before going into our National Parks #BeAdventureSmart

Tips for New Walkers: click here to download (PDF).

Remember to prepare properly before heading out on any type of walk or outdoor activity. Tell people where you are going and what time you are expected back. As Wainwright says "There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing".