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Minions and the Cheesewring Walk

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Minions and the Cheesewring Walk

Walk Details

From the signpost at the top left corner of the car park follow ‘The Hurlers’. Above, to the right, is the former engine house, now Minions Heritage Centre. Go straight across a broad track and walk along a grassy path leading directly to the celebrated stone circles. After about 200m you’ll reach the ornate Pipers standing stones

Turn right here to follow the track, and keep your eye out for the tors including the Cheesewring on the right.

There are tracks to the left leading to other Bronze Age features and to former quarries.

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At a three-way junction, bear right to head towards the Cheesewring, where the walk descends into a shallow valley. At the far side of the valley,you’ll pass close to a fenced-off mining shaft.

At a junction near the top of the rise, a broad grass track forks to the left to provide a route for those wishing to see the rock tors close up. Follow the fence above the Cheeswring quarry.

For a shorter walk continue along the main path, over a low summit before descending to rejoin the full route at point 5.

For the full walk retrace the route by descending towards the main path and the shallow valley.

Daniel Gumb’s Cave can be found by making a short detour to the left, towards the quarry, before returning to the main path.

Before you reach the valley bottom on the main path, turn right opposite the fenced-off shaft top. Pass below the bushes to continue along the side of Stowe’s Hill; the path is not always clear but the walking surface is level and easy to manage. Past Wardbrook Farm, turn right for approximately 200m. The rock-strewn Sharp Tor is ahead.

Do not go along the road; follow a narrow but clear path to the right of the roadside fence, and you will soon reach the granite blocks on the line of the former mineral tramway. If you followed this tramway, you’ll head right back to Minions. But you don’t want to miss what you’ll see next! Cheesewring Farm is below to the left and you can’t miss the communications mast on Caradon Hill as this is the point where you’ll see the Cheesewring tors.

There is a stone wall close on the left as a track (the short cut) joins from the right. At a fork stay with the tramway. At the next fork, with four large boulders, bear right towards the former engine house. Turn left to return to the car park. 

trainNearest Train (or tube) Station(s):
Looe, Plymouth

Read the Countryside Code before venturing out
Make sure to take a map and compass, and know how to use them before going into our National Parks #BeAdventureSmart

Tips for New Walkers: click here to download (PDF).

Remember to prepare properly before heading out on any type of walk or outdoor activity. Tell people where you are going and what time you are expected back. As Wainwright says "There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing".