Hi I’m Claire, a married mum of teens and a blogger who lives in the South Hams, Devon. I share my musings about Devon life, lifestyle, wellbeing, interiors and organisation; one Mission at a time.

My Mission as a former oncology nurse and fitness and wellness coach, is to help just one person a day smile and feel a little more in control. I’m a lover of sending happy post (just because) and I love a good chat; especially when it comes to lifestyle & wellbeing!

I am passionate about the great outdoors and the health and wellbeing benefits of being outside. When I’m not on mum duties or working, you’ll find me gardening, DIY-ing (!) or hiking in the Devon lanes, on the South West Coast path or on beautiful Dartmoor, preferably as the sun rises.

Claire - Woman on a Mission

Partnering with TOG
I’m delighted to be joining The Outdoor Guide Family. A fabulous community who shares the love and importance of wellbeing, getting outside and enjoying the fresh air, whatever the weather!

The Outdoor Guide is a fantastic tool providing walks both on your doorstep and all over the UK. It’s a great, free resource, supporting people to enjoy life to the full in the great outdoors.

TOG Says …

“With The Outdoor Guide spearheaded by two women on a mission – we’re really pleased to welcome another on board as a partner to help shout about the benefits of time spent outdoors”