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Rope Walk to Climping Circular Walk

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Rope Walk to Climping
© Holly Barber
Rope Walk to Climping
© Holly Barber
Rope Walk to Climping
© Holly Barber
Rope Walk to Climping
© Holly Barber
Rope Walk to Climping
© Holly Barber
Rope Walk to Climping
© Holly Barber
Rope Walk to Climping
© Holly Barber
Rope Walk to Climping
© Holly Barber

Walk Details
This is a lovely circular walk that starts a short distance from Littlehampton train station. Starting on the west side of the River Arun by the end of the footbridge  we first head along the footpath running along Ferry Road. Before you reach the junction with the busy A259 you take a left turn along Brookpit Lane. Follow the road until it bends sharply round to the right – you continue straight on towards Climping Primary School.

Opposite the entrance to the school (to your left) you’ll see a dirt track heading down towards the sea – and that’s where you’re walking. If it’s been raining – the pot holes along this track like to collect the water so be careful! If you’re walking with a dog this is a great place to have them off lead as they can explore the fields on either side. If you’re walking along here in the spring take a moment to pause and listen – cuckoos have been known to frequent these fields and surrounding trees. When you reach the sea you can either turn right and head across the car park to get refreshments and use the facilities or you can turn left to continue your walk. If the tide is out you may want to walk along the beach, if it’s high tide you can either walk across the shingle or follow the path that runs along the back between the trees for about half a mile.

Keep heading east, along the beach, or in the sand dunes (designated as a site of special scientific interest) until you reach the river. Turn left, heading inland and there’s another option to stop for a drink at West Beach Cafe or use their facilities before following the river upstream back to the footbridge where we began our wander. To get back you can either follow the road or, as you get close to the golf clubhouse (on your left) you’ll see the footpath veer off to the right. If you follow it you’ll find a hidden beach with soft sand on the banks of the river. Stay here long enough and you might be lucky enough to spot a cormorant, grey heron, little egret or even a kingfisher.

At the end of your walk you can head back across the footbridge. On the eastern side of the bridge is an option of 2 pubs (The Arun View or The Steam Packet) or you can head on in to Littlehampton

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